华北农学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 369-374. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.2016.S1.062

所属专题: 甜椒辣椒 土壤肥料

• 资源环境·植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


李婷, 周超凡, 王颀, 段曦, 毕焕改, 李清明, 艾希珍   

  1. 山东农业大学 园艺科学与工程学院, 作物生物学国家重点实验室, 农业部黄淮地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点开放实验室, 山东果蔬优质高效生产协同创新中心, 山东 泰安 271018
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-28 出版日期:2016-12-28
  • 通讯作者: 艾希珍(1964-),女,山东平度人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事蔬菜栽培生理与分子生物学研究。
  • 作者简介:李婷(1990-),女,山东莱芜人,硕士,主要从事蔬菜栽培生理研究。
  • 基金资助:

Study on the Optimized Scheme of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizations of Grafted Pepper in Solar-greenhouse

LI Ting, ZHOU Chaofan, WANG Qi, DUAN Xi, BI Huangai, LI Qingming, AI Xizhen   

  1. College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Key Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Biology and Germplasm Innovation of Agriculture Ministry, Shandong Collaborative Innovation Center of Fruit & Vegetable Quality and Efficient Production, Tai'an 271018, China
  • Received:2016-09-28 Published:2016-12-28

摘要: 为了探明日光温室嫁接辣椒的氮(N)、钾(K2O)适宜施用量及其与自根辣椒的差异,采用二次饱和D-最优设计,研究N、K2O用量对嫁接和自根辣椒产量的影响,并建立了以N、K2O用量为变量因子,以嫁接和自根辣椒产量为目标函数的二元二次数学模型。对模型解析的结果表明,N、K2O用量对辣椒产量影响显著,二因子存在着交互效应,但以K2O对辣椒的产量影响较大。通过计算机模拟运算,得出本试验条件下嫁接辣椒产量达到49 500 kg/hm2以上的优化施肥方案为N 326.1~752.9 kg/hm2,K2O 630.8~1 116.0 kg/hm2;自根辣椒产量达到48 000 kg/hm2以上的优化施肥方案为N 411.5~606.9 kg/hm2,K2O 868.4~1 168.4 kg/hm2,嫁接辣椒适宜的氮钾配比为嫁接1:1.96,自根辣椒1:1.85。

关键词: 嫁接辣椒, 氮, 钾, 产量, 日光温室

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the optimum amounts of nitrogen and potassium in grafted peppers which cultivated in solar-greenhouse,and the difference of them between grafted and the own-root plants. The effects of nitrogen and potassium on the yield of grafted and own-root peppers were investigated with the design of two factors and double saturated D-optimal regression. A mathematical model for the optimization was established using nitrogen and potassium amounts as the independent variables,and the yield of grafted and own-root plants as objective function. The results showed that nitrogen and potassium significantly influenced the yield of grafted and own-root peppers,and there were interactive effect between nitrogen and potassium. However,potassium had higher effect on the yield of pepper. Through simulated computation,the schemes of optimized fertilization of grafted and own-root peppers were finally obtained. The yield of grafted pepper could reach to 49 500 kg/ha or more when the fertilizer rates were N 326.1-752.9 kg/ha,K2O 630.8-1 116.0 kg/ha;the yield of own-root pepper could reach to 48 000 kg/ha when the fertilizer rates were N 411.5-606.9 kg/ha and K2O 868.4-1 168.4 kg/ha. The suitable ratio of N:K2O of grafted pepper was 1:1.96,and that of own-root pepper was 1:1.85.

Key words: Grafted peppers, Nitrogen, Potassium, Yield, Solar-greenhouse



李婷, 周超凡, 王颀, 段曦, 毕焕改, 李清明, 艾希珍. 日光温室嫁接辣椒氮钾优化施肥方案的研究[J]. 华北农学报, 2016, 31(S1): 369-374. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.2016.S1.062.

LI Ting, ZHOU Chaofan, WANG Qi, DUAN Xi, BI Huangai, LI Qingming, AI Xizhen. Study on the Optimized Scheme of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizations of Grafted Pepper in Solar-greenhouse[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, 2016, 31(S1): 369-374. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.2016.S1.062.


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