华北农学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 104-111. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20192629

所属专题: 小麦 玉米 土壤肥料 热点文章

• 资源环境·植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘建玲1, 吴晶1, 贾可1, 廖文华1, 吕英华2, 马俊永3   

  1. 1.河北农业大学 资源与环境科学学院,河北 保定 071001
    2.河北省农业农村厅,河北 石家庄 050021
    3.河北省农林科学院 旱作农业研究所,河北 衡水 131102
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-28 出版日期:2022-06-30
  • 作者简介:


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Trends of Yield Responses to Soil Phosphorus and Phosphate Fertilizer in Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System

LIU Jianling1, WU Jing1, JIA Ke1, LIAO Wenhua1, LÜ Yinghua2, MA Junyong3   

  1. 1. College of Resources and Environment Science,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071001,China
    2. Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050021,China
    3. Dry-Land Farming Institute of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Hengshui 131102,China
  • Received:2022-02-28 Published:2022-06-30


为了给作物持续高产下科学施用磷肥提供依据,采用1978年以来土壤有效磷变化的大数据分析、不同时段磷肥定位试验、大面积磷肥产量效应试验等方法分析了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作区土壤有效磷变化、土壤和肥料磷的产量效应。结果表明,冬小麦-夏玉米轮作区土壤有效磷含量平均为22.43 mg/kg,表现为太行山山麓平原﹥冲积平原。1996-1999年,太行山山麓平原、冲积平原区供试土壤有效磷含量分别为15.09,11.90 mg/kg,冬小麦P2O5用量180 kg/hm2时土壤供磷能力:冬小麦分别为83.9%,75.8%,夏玉米分别为83.3%,89.7%。冬小麦秸秆还田下,土壤磷收支表观平衡分别为盈余52.8%,55.4%。2010-2012年,太行山山麓平原土壤有效磷27.22 mg/kg,冬小麦、夏玉米P2O5用量分别为108,60 kg/hm2时土壤供磷能力:冬小麦为84.6%,夏玉米为90.1%。小麦秸秆不还田下,土壤磷收支表观平衡:冬小麦盈余6.7%,夏玉米亏缺47.1%。基于2002-2006年,2012-2016年多点大面积磷肥在冬小麦、夏玉米上的效应函数计算出最高产量P2O5用量:冬小麦分别为107.3,125.1 kg/hm2,夏玉米分别为52.0,58.9 kg/hm2。过量施用磷肥连续种植3 a 6茬,土壤积累磷均表现出显著的增产效应。冬小麦-夏玉米轮作秸秆还田下,冬小麦、夏玉米推荐P2O5用量分别为90~100,30 kg/hm2;秸秆不还田分别为100~120,45 kg/hm2

关键词: 冬小麦-夏玉米轮作, 土壤磷素, 磷肥, 供磷能力, 产量效应


This study investigated the dynamics of soil phosphorus,yield responses to soil phosphorus and phosphate fertilizer in winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in the last decades,which was important for the scientific application of phosphate fertilizer in continuous high-yielding cropping.A combined method that included in situ phosphate fertilizer experiment under different soil fertility conditions,the analysis of changes of soil available P since 1978,the response of yield to phosphate fertilizer was used.Average content of soil available P of winter wheat-summer maize rotation area was 22.43 mg/kg,and the soil available P of the piedmont plain of Taihang mountain was greater than the alluvial plain.During 1996-1999,the soil available P content of the the piedmont plain and the alluvial plain was 15.09,11.90 mg/kg in cultivated land,respectively,the application rate of P2O5 in the winter wheat season of the rotation system was 180 kg/ha;the soil P supply capacity for winter wheat in these two regions piedmont were 83.9%,75.8%,respectively,and for summer maize they were 83.3%,89.7%,respectively.Under the condition of winter wheat straw returning,soil P surplus of these two regions was estimated to be 52.8%,55.4%,respectively.During 2010-2012,the soil available P of the piedmont plain of Taihang mountain was 27.22 mg/kg,the application rate in winter wheat and summer maize season were 108,60 kg/ha,respectively.The soil P supply capacity in winter wheat season was 84.6%,90.1% in summer maize season.Soil P surplus was estimated to be 6.7% in winter wheat season,and soil P of deficit was estimated to be 47.1% in summer maize season without straw returning.The application rate of P2O5 for the maximal yield production of winter wheat and summer maize were calculated according to the yield responses of winter wheat and summer maize to the P fertilization rates at multiple sites during 2002-2006 and 2012-2016.For winter wheat they were 107.3,125.1 kg/ha,respectively,and for summer maize they were 52.0,58.9 kg/ha,respectively.The accumulated P increaded the yield of winter wheat and summer maize for excess application 3 time of P fertilizer in 3 years 6 crop.The recommendation of P2O5 rate for winter wheat and summer maize with wheat straw returning were 90-100 kg/ha and 30 kg/ha,respectively,and they were 100-120 kg/ha and 45 kg/ha without wheat straw returning.

Key words: Winter wheat-summer maize rotation, Soil phosphorus, Phosphate fertilizer, Phosphorus supply capacity, Yield response


刘建玲, 吴晶, 贾可, 廖文华, 吕英华, 马俊永. 冬小麦-夏玉米轮作区土壤磷与磷肥产量效应变化[J]. 华北农学报, 2022, 37(3): 104-111. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20192629.

LIU Jianling, WU Jing, JIA Ke, LIAO Wenhua, LÜ Yinghua, MA Junyong. Trends of Yield Responses to Soil Phosphorus and Phosphate Fertilizer in Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2022, 37(3): 104-111. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20192629.


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