华北农学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 1-13. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20193264

所属专题: 玉米 生物技术

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·生物技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


唐兰, 张艳茹, 邱贵兰, 李若楠, 赵丽, 吴元奇   

  1. 四川农业大学 玉米研究所,四川 成都 611130
  • 收稿日期:2022-12-27 出版日期:2023-04-28
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A Dwarf Maize Phenotype Identification and Initial Gene Mapping

TANG Lan, ZHANG Yanru, QIU Guilan, LI Ruonan, ZHAO Li, WU Yuanqi   

  1. Maize Research Institute,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130,China
  • Received:2022-12-27 Published:2023-04-28


前期通过矮秆高粱和本地玉米远缘杂交成功选育出矮秆dwarf-12,经过前人研究该矮秆基因可能由br2控制,由于无不良性状,为了利用、发掘优良的矮秆自交系,又将dwarf-12和本地白玉米杂交,选育出优良矮秆自交系d8227,前人将得到的矮秆玉米材料d8227经过与不同高度的玉米组合,鉴定出具有较好的配合力,为增加矮秆玉米种质资源,提高玉米产量,对其进行深入的研究。以d8227和dwarf-12为研究材料,比较矮秆亲本和子代之间的主要农艺性状差异,观察茎秆细胞学差异;用d8227和4个不同背景自交系进行遗传交配设计,分析矮秆基因的遗传模式;构建定位群体,用BSA方法,进行高通量测序,对矮秆基因进行初步定位,并对定位区间已知的矮秆材料进行等位性鉴定,明确目标基因与已知基因的关系。结果表明,d8227株高比亲本株高增加9.35%,穗位增加31.50%,d8227叶片减少,茎节长度增加,d8227的穗质量、行粒数、百粒质量、穗长、粒深比dwarf-12增加52.21%,5.26%,23.76%,6.93%,12.02%;利用石蜡切片方法,用显微镜观察d8227和dwarf-12穗上、穗位、穗下的横切、纵切细胞特征,d8227纵切细胞排列松散,细胞明显伸长;dwarf-12细胞排列有规则、紧凑,经过测量细胞面积,d8227穗位、穗下细胞面积显著高于dwarf-12,这主要是由于d8227细胞伸长导致。通过遗传分析,矮秆基因为隐性单基因,基因初步定位,将矮秆基因定位于1号染色体190~215 Mb,选取区间已经定位的矮秆玉米进行等位性鉴定,2 a种植结果表明,d8227与123d、Na360不是等位基因,可能与125d、123d为等位基因,需要后续精细定位和深入研究。综合来看,d8227是一个性状优良的中等矮秆材料,具有育种潜力,但还需进行精细定位等深入研究来判断其利用价值。

关键词: 玉米, 矮秆, 石蜡切片, 遗传分析, 基因定位


In the early stage, the dwarf dwarf-12 was successfully selected by distant hybridization of dwarf sorghum and local maize.After previous studies, the dwarf gene may be controlled by br2.Since there were no adverse traits, in order to utilize and discover excellent dwarf inbred lines, and then crossed dwarf-12 with local white maize, and selected the excellent dwarf inbred line d8227. The dwarf maize material d8227 obtained by predecessors was combined with maize of different heights, and it was identified that it has good combining ability. In order to increase the germplasm resources of dwarf maize and improve the yield of maize, in-depth research was carried out.d8227 and dwarf-12 were used as research materials to compare the differences in main agronomic traits between dwarf parents and progeny to observe the differences in stem cytology;d8227 and four inbred lines with different backgrounds were used for genetic mating design to analyze dwarf culm.Inheritance mode of genes; construct a targeting population, perform high-throughput sequencing with BSA method, conduct preliminary mapping of dwarf genes, and perform allelic identification of dwarf materials with known positioning intervals to clarify target genes and known genes relationship. The results showed that the plant height of d8227 increased by 9.35%, the ear position increased by 31.50%, the leaves of d8227 decreased, and the length of stem nodes increased.dwarf-12 increased by 52.21%, 5.26%, 23.76%, 6.93%, 12.02%; using the paraffin section method, observe the characteristics of transverse and longitudinal cells on the upper, ear and lower ear of d8227 and dwarf-12 with a microscope, and d8227 was longitudinally sectioned.The cells were loosely arranged and the cells were obviously elongated;the dwarf-12 cells were arranged regularly and compactly.After measuring the cell area, ear and lower ear cell area of the d8227 were significantly increased than that of the dwarf-12, which was mainly caused by the elongation of the d8227 cells. Through genetic analysis, the dwarf stalk gene was a single recessive gene, and the gene was preliminarily located.The dwarf stalk gene were located at 190-215 Mb of chromosome 1.The dwarf maize that had been located in the interval was selected for allelic identification.The two-year planting results showed that d8227 and 123d, Na360 were not alleles, but may be alleles with 125d and 123d, which needed follow-up fine mapping and in-depth research. On the whole, d8227 is a medium dwarf material with excellent characters and has breeding potential, but further studies such as fine positioning are needed to judge its utilization value.

Key words: Maize, Dwarf, Paraffin section, Genetic analysis, Gene mapping


唐兰, 张艳茹, 邱贵兰, 李若楠, 赵丽, 吴元奇. 一份矮秆玉米表型鉴定和基因初步定位[J]. 华北农学报, 2023, 38(2): 1-13. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20193264.

TANG Lan, ZHANG Yanru, QIU Guilan, LI Ruonan, ZHAO Li, WU Yuanqi. A Dwarf Maize Phenotype Identification and Initial Gene Mapping[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2023, 38(2): 1-13. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20193264.


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