华北农学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 124-131. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20193054

所属专题: 水稻 油料作物 土壤肥料 热点文章

• 资源环境·植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


李霞1, 罗丽卉1, 周娅1, , 杨定清1, 王棚1, 李森2   

  1. 1 四川省农业科学院 农业质量标准与检测技术研究所,四川 成都 610066
    2 四川省自然资源科学研究院,四川 成都 610015
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-17 出版日期:2022-10-28
  • 通讯作者: 周娅
  • 作者简介:


  • 基金资助:
    四川省农业科学院青年基金项目(2018FXCSZX); 四川省科技计划项目(2021YFN0018)

Effects of Straw Returning on Soil Active Organic Carbon Components and Enzyme Activities in Rice-Rape Rotation

LI Xia1, LUO Lihui1, ZHOU Ya1, , YANG Dingqing1, WANG Peng1, LI Sen2   

  1. 1 Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology Research,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China
    2 Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resource Sciences,Chengdu 610015,China
  • Received:2022-06-17 Published:2022-10-28
  • Contact: ZHOU Ya


为研究成都平原油菜-水稻轮作体系下不同秸秆用量对土壤活性有机碳组分及碳循环酶活性的影响,于2017—2020年开展连续3 a的田间定位试验,分析秸秆不还田对照(CK)、常规化肥(NPK)、常规化肥+1/2量秸秆(SR1)、常规化肥+全量秸秆(SR2)、常规化肥+2倍秸秆(SR3)5个处理下土壤理化性质、活性有机碳组分含量、碳循环酶活性及其相互间的相关性。结果表明:相比试验前,秸秆还田能有效改善土壤理化性状,提高土壤速效氮、磷、钾等养分含量;与CK处理相比,秸秆还田处理的土壤有机碳、易氧化有机碳、溶解性有机碳以及微生物量碳含量分别显著提升了5.05%~8.55%,18.40%~36.80%,35.76%~66.93%,27.20%~52.10%,且均表现为秸秆用量越大活性有机碳组分含量越高。另一方面,与CK和NPK处理相比,3个秸秆还田处理土壤纤维素酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶活性均显著提升;其中SR2处理下的土壤纤维素酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶、多酚氧化酶活性值最高,比SR1处理分别显著高出16.25%,8.49%,14.69%,SR3处理下的过氧化氢酶活性最高,比SR1处理显著高出25.10%。相关性分析可知,土壤SOC、活性有机碳组分及碳循环酶活性之间均呈现显著正相关。由此可见,在成都平原稻-油轮作体系下,实行全量秸秆还田是提高土壤活性有机碳组分含量及碳循环相关酶活性、促进土壤质量正向提升的最佳选择。

关键词: 水稻-油菜轮作, 秸秆还田, 土壤活性有机碳, 酶活性


In order to study the effects of straw returning on soil active organic carbon components and carbon cycle related enzyme activities in rice-rape rotation farmland of Chengdu Plain,we carried out 3-year straw returning field experiment(2017—2020),including no straw(CK),chemical fertilizer alone(NPK),50% straw returning and chemical fertilizer(SR1),100% straw returning and chemical fertilizer(SR2),200% straw returning and chemical fertilizer(SR3).We measured soil physical-chemical properties,soil organic carbon content(SOC),soil labile organic C fractions,carbon cycle related enzymes,and their correlations.The results showed that straw returning could effectively improve soil physical-chemical properties,soil available nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium contents.Compared with CK treatment,straw returning treatments significantly increased SOC,ROC,DOC,and MBC contents by 5.05%—8.55%,18.40%—36.80%,35.76%—66.93% and 27.20%—52.10%,respectively.In general,higher returning dosage resulted in higher C content.On the other side,compared with CK and NPK,straw returning treatments significantly increased soil cellulase,β-glucosidase,catalase,polyphenol oxidase.The activities of soil cellulase,β-glucosidase,and polyphenol oxidase under SR2 treatment were the highest,which were significantly higher than SR1 treatment by 16.25%,8.49%,and 14.69%,respectively.The catalase activity of SR3 treatment was the highest,which was significantly higher than that of SR1 treatment by 25.10%(P<0.05).There were significant positive linear correlations among soil SOC,labile SOC fractions,and carbon cycle related enzyme activities.Consequently,full straw returning has been proved of the most efficient way of improving active organic carbon components,carbon cycle related enzyme activities,and promoting the improvement of soil quality in rice-rape rotation farmland of Chengdu Plain.

Key words: Rice-rape rotation, Straw returning, Soil active organic carbon components, Enzyme activity


李霞, 罗丽卉, 周娅, 杨定清, 王棚, 李森. 秸秆还田对水稻-油菜轮作体系土壤活性有机碳组分及酶活性的影响[J]. 华北农学报, 2022, 37(5): 124-131. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20193054.

LI Xia, LUO Lihui, ZHOU Ya, YANG Dingqing, WANG Peng, LI Sen. Effects of Straw Returning on Soil Active Organic Carbon Components and Enzyme Activities in Rice-Rape Rotation[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2022, 37(5): 124-131. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20193054.


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