华北农学报 ›› 2002, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 82-87. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.2002.04.018

所属专题: 小麦 土壤肥料 高影响力文章

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赵广才1, 刘利华1, 张艳1, 杨玉双1, 杨兆生2   

  1. 1. 中国农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所,北京,100081;
    2. 中国农业科学院棉花研究所,河南,安阳,455112
  • 收稿日期:2001-08-27 出版日期:2002-12-28
  • 作者简介:赵广才(1951-),男,研究员,主要从事作物栽培方面的研究工作.
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Fertilizer Application on Population Quality,Root System Distribution,Grain Yield and Quality in Super-high-yielding Wheat

ZHAO Guang-cai1, LIU Li-hua1, YANG Yu-shuang1, ZHANG Yan1, YANG Zhao-sheng2   

  1. 1 Institute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation, CAAS, Beijing 100081, China;
    2 Cotton Research Institute, CAAS, Anyang 455112, China
  • Received:2001-08-27 Published:2002-12-28

摘要: 在小麦超高产栽培条件下利用不同施肥量和不同施肥比例的处理,研究了小麦群体质量、根系分布、子粒产量和品质.结果表明:在超高产栽培条件下,增施肥料,群体生物量有所增加,提出了超高产小麦适宜的生物量和叶面积系数的动态参考指标.根长密度随土层加深而逐渐减少,增施肥料可以提高根长密度.根系平均直径以0~10 cm土层内最大,增施肥料对根系平均直径的影响不大.根系的总表面积以0~10 cm土层内最大,以下锐减.增施肥料可增加根总表面积,施氮磷比例为1∶1时效果最好.不同土层内根系总长度所占比例差异很大,其中0~10 cm土层占0%以上.增施肥料可以提高产量和品质,其中以施氮磷钾比例1∶1∶0.6时效果最好.

关键词: 小麦, 群体质量, 根系分布, 产量, 品质

Abstract: Wheat population quality, root system distribution, grain yield and quality were studied under different fertilizer application treatment in the condition of super-high-yielding wheat cultivation. The result showed that wheat population and biomass increased by adding fertilizer application. The root length density decreased as the solum deepening. The root length density increased by adding fertilizer application. The mean root diameter was biggest in 0-10 cm solum, but it had little effect when adding fertilizer application. The root surface area was biggest in 0-10 cm solum, but decreased sharply with the solum deepening.Root area increased by adding fertilizer application and the effect was best when N:P was 1:1. The total root length differed very much in different solum and it was over 50% in 0-10 cm solum. Grain yield and quality increased by adding fertilizer application and the effect was best when N:P:K was 1:1:0.6.

Key words: Wheat, Population quality, Root system distribution, Grain yield, Quality



赵广才, 刘利华, 张艳, 杨玉双, 杨兆生. 肥料运筹对超高产小麦群体质量、根系分布、产量和品质的效应[J]. 华北农学报, 2002, 17(4): 82-87. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.2002.04.018.

ZHAO Guang-cai, LIU Li-hua, YANG Yu-shuang, ZHANG Yan, YANG Zhao-sheng. Effect of Fertilizer Application on Population Quality,Root System Distribution,Grain Yield and Quality in Super-high-yielding Wheat[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, 2002, 17(4): 82-87. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.2002.04.018.
