华北农学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (S1): 241-249. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20191634

所属专题: 小麦 玉米 土壤肥料

• 资源环境·植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


李晋, 刘小丽, 李文广, 刘振华, 杨珍平, 黄春国, 孙敏, 高志强   

  1. 山西农业大学 农学院, 山西 太谷 030801
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-07 出版日期:2020-12-28
  • 通讯作者: 杨珍平(1973-),女,山西朔州人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事作物生态与旱作农业研究。
  • 作者简介:李晋(1997-),男,山西长治人,在读硕士,主要从事作物生态与旱作农业研究。
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Annual Fertilizer Management on Annual Yield of Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System

LI Jin, LIU Xiaoli, LI Wenguang, LIU Zhenhua, YANG Zhenping, HUANG Chunguo, SUN Min, GAO Zhiqiang   

  1. College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801 China
  • Received:2020-08-07 Published:2020-12-28

摘要: 为探究投入总量固定情况下,肥料在冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系中最佳的分配方式,在保障粮食产量的同时,促进化学肥料的合理使用,为农业生产提供科学施肥的理论依据,在垣曲县冬小麦复播夏玉米田进行田间试验。试验采用二因素裂区设计。施肥投入参考当地农户常规施用量即纯氮420 kg/hm2。以小麦/玉米两季肥料分配比为主区,设置3个水平126/294,210/210,294/126 kg/hm2;副区为小麦季基肥与拔节期追肥配比,6水平为10:0,7:3,6:4,5:5,4:6,3:7。小麦收获后复种夏玉米。在两季作物成熟期分别取样进行测定。结果表明,小麦季施肥量为126 kg/hm2,玉米季施肥量为294 kg/hm2时,两季作物均能得到高产,且小麦季产量间差异达到显著水平(P<0.05),周年产量相比增加12.98%,4.25%。不同的基追比管理对于小麦的影响不同,采用6:4的管理方式有利于穗的形成,产量较不追肥处理增加了12.86%;在这种管理方式下,肥料偏生产力也较高。相关分析表明,增大小麦季的追肥比例有利于后作玉米千粒质量的提高。在本试验条件下,小麦季最佳的基追比为6:4;施氮量420 kg/hm2以小麦-玉米分配比例3:7时效果最佳。

关键词: 冬小麦-夏玉米, 肥料运筹, 基追比, 周年产量

Abstract: In order to explore the best distribution method of fertilizer in the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system under the fixed total input.While ensuring food production,promote the rational use of chemical fertilizers and provide a theoretical basis for scientific fertilization for agricultural production.A field experiment was carried out in winter wheat replanted summer maize field in Yuanqu County.The experiment was designed as two-factor split plot.The main-plot was wheat/maize two-season fertilizer distribution ratio,with three levels of 126/294,210/210,294/126 kg/ha and sub-plot was the ratio of wheat season basal fertilizer and jointing top dressing,and the 6 levels were 10:0,7:3,6:4,5:5,4:6,3:7.After the wheat was harvested,summer maize was replanted.Samples were collected during the harvest period for yield and yield composition.The results showed that when the fertilizer amount in wheat season was 126 kg/ha and corn season was 294 kg/ha,both crops could get high yield,and the difference in wheat yield reached a significant level(P<0.05).The annual output increased by 12.98%,4.25%.Different base dressing ratio management had different effects on wheat.The 6:4 management method was beneficial to the formation of ears.Yield increased by 12.86% compared with no top dressing treatment.Under this management method,fertilizer partial productivity was also higher.Correlation analysis showed that increasing the ratio of topdressing in wheat season was beneficial to increase the 1000-kernel weight of corn.Under the conditions of this experiment,the best ratio of base to dress in the wheat season was 6:4.It was suggested applying N 420 kg/ha with 3:7 nitrogen distribution ratio between winter wheat and summer maize would gain the highest yield.

Key words: Winter wheat-summer maize, Fertilizer management, Ratio of base to topdressing, Annual yield



李晋, 刘小丽, 李文广, 刘振华, 杨珍平, 黄春国, 孙敏, 高志强. 周年肥料运筹对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系周年产量的影响[J]. 华北农学报, 2020, 35(S1): 241-249. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20191634.

LI Jin, LIU Xiaoli, LI Wenguang, LIU Zhenhua, YANG Zhenping, HUANG Chunguo, SUN Min, GAO Zhiqiang. Effect of Annual Fertilizer Management on Annual Yield of Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, 2020, 35(S1): 241-249. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20191634.


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