华北农学报 ›› 1991, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (S1): 109-114. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1991.z1.019

所属专题: 小麦 生物技术

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郭爱国, 刘颖超, 王焕如, 朱之堉   

  1. 河北农业大学植保系, 保定 071001
  • 出版日期:1991-12-31

Postulation of Genes Resistant to Leaf Rust in 18 Wheat Cultivars or Lines

GuoAiguo, LiuYingchao, WangHuanru, ZhuZhiyu   

  1. Department of Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding
  • Published:1991-12-31

摘要: 根据18个未知基因品种(系)和27个Lr基因系对15个小麦叶锈菌系的反应,将18个未知基因(系)分为7个组.每组可能具有的Lr基因不同.(1)CA8646具有Lr15;(2)河农矮3具有Lr26,87-4314穗13具有Lr15和Lr26;(3)唐86-4043具有Lr2a或Lr26;(4)保麦2号和山东03201具有Lr1和Lr26,山东110021具有Lr1;(5)C4102-5可能具有Lr21,Lr23,Lr25或Lr27中的任何一个或几个;(6)丰抗9号等6个品种(系)可能具有与供试的Lr基因系不同的基因,(7)冀早15等4个品种(系)不具有供试的Lr基因系所具有的抗性基因.

关键词: 小麦, 小麦叶锈菌, 抗性基因

Abstract: 18 wheat cultivars or lines and 27 Lr gene lines are inoculated with 15 cultures of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici respectively for postulating resistance genes based on infection types. The wheat cultivars or lines may be sorted into 7 groups on the basis of reaction to P. recondita f. sp. tritici shown by the Lr gene lines. (1)CA8646 carries Lrl5; (2)Henong’ai 3 carries Lr26, and 87-4314 Sui 13 seems to have Lrl5 and Lr26;(3)Tang 86-4043 may carry Lr2a or Lr26; (4)Baomai 2 and Shandong 03201 carry Lr1 and Lr26, and Shandong 110021 has Lr1; (5)C4102-5 may have either one or more genes of Lr21, Lr23, Lr25, and Lr27; (6) 6 cultivars or lines, such as Fengkang 9 , etc, seem to possess additional resistance genes which did not includ in the Lr gene lines studied; and( 7 )4 cultivars or lines, such as Jizao 15, etc, do not seem to have any resistance genes to the cultures studied.

Key words: Wheat, Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici, Leaf rust, Resistance genes


郭爱国, 刘颖超, 王焕如, 朱之堉. 十八个小麦品种(系)抗叶锈基因的推导[J]. 华北农学报, 1991, 6(S1): 109-114. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1991.z1.019.

GuoAiguo, LiuYingchao, WangHuanru, ZhuZhiyu. Postulation of Genes Resistant to Leaf Rust in 18 Wheat Cultivars or Lines[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, 1991, 6(S1): 109-114. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1991.z1.019.
