华北农学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 223-230. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20192779

所属专题: 畜牧 生物技术 热点文章

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冉黎1,2, 吕锦诗1,2, 张浩1,2, 王永1,2, , 朱江江1,2, 李艳艳1,2, 孟庆勇3, 林亚秋1,2,   

  1. 1.青藏高原动物遗传资源保护与利用教育部、四川省重点实验室,四川 成都 610041
    2.西南民族大学 畜牧兽医学院,四川 成都 610041
    3.中国农业大学 生物学院,农业生物技术国家重点实验室,北京 100193
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-25 出版日期:2022-06-30
  • 通讯作者: 王永, 林亚秋
  • 作者简介:

    冉 黎(1996-),女,四川南充人,在读硕士,主要从事动物遗传育种与繁殖研究。

  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(32072723); 四川省重点研发项目(2021YFYZ0003); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(3300221815); 农业生物技术国家重点实验室2021年度开放课题(2021SKLAB6-1)

Effect of Overexpression of Goat APOC3 Gene on Differentiation of Intramuscular Adipocytes

RAN Li1,2, LÜ Jinshi1,2, ZHANG Hao1,2, WANG Yong1,2, , ZHU Jiangjiang1,2, LI Yanyan1,2, MENG Qingyong3, LIN Yaqiu1,2,   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, Sichuan Province for Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Animal Geneyic Resource Reservation and Exploitation, Chengdu 610041,China
    2. College of Animal & Veterinary Sciences,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu 610041,China
    3. State Key Laboratories for Agrobiotechnology,College of Biological Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China
  • Received:2022-02-25 Published:2022-06-30
  • Contact: WANG Yong, LIN Yaqiu


为了明确APOC3基因在山羊肌内脂肪细胞分化中的作用,采用RT-PCR技术克隆山羊APOC3基因序列,并通过在线软件进行生物信息学分析;利用实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)技术检测山羊APOC3基因在各组织和不同分化阶段的肌内脂肪细胞中的表达规律;在利用双酶切法构建山羊APOC3过表达载体的基础上,利用油红O染色确定山羊APOC3基因过表达对肌内脂肪细胞脂滴聚集的影响,同时利用qPCR方法检测成脂分化标志基因mRNA的相对表达水平,进而明确其可能发挥作用的途径。结果表明,获得山羊APOC3的ORF区长294 bp,编码97个氨基酸,功能结构域区在第23-88个氨基酸处。山羊APOC3在心脏、肝脏、脾脏等14个组织中均有表达,且在肝脏中的表达量最高;山羊APOC3在诱导分化48 h表达量最高,极显著高于分化前;过表达山羊APOC3后肌内脂肪细胞中脂滴积聚增多,成脂分化标志基因SREBP1CEBPβ的相对表达水平极显著上调,PPARγ的相对表达水平显著上调,而Pref-1相对表达水平显著下调。结果表明,山羊APOC3可能通过上调SREBP1CEBPβPPARγ及下调Pref-1来发挥作用促进肌内脂肪细胞的分化。

关键词: 山羊, APOC3基因, 肌内脂肪细胞, 过表达, 细胞分化


In order to clarify the role of APOC3 gene in the differentiation of intramuscular adipocytes of goats,the APOC3 gene sequence was cloned by RT-PCR,and the biological information was analyzed by online software.Quantitative Real-time PCR(qPCR)was used to detect the expression of APOC3 gene in intramuscular adipocytes of goats at different tissues and differentiation stages.APOC3 overexpression vector was constructed by double-enzyme digestion method,and the effects of APOC3 gene overexpression on lipid droplet accumulation were determined by oil red O staining.At the same time,the mRNA relative expression level of marker gene of adipogenic differentiation was detected by qPCR.The results showed that the ORF region of APOC3 was 294 bp in length and encoded 97 amino acids with a functional domain of 23-88 aa. APOC3 was expressed in 14 tissues including heart,liver and spleen,and so on,which the highest level of APOC3 was found in liver.APOC3 expression was the highest at 48 h and extremely significantly higher than that before differentiation.After APOC3 was overexpressed,lipid drop accumulation increased,and the relative expression levels of marker genes SREBP1 and CEBPβ were extremely significantly up-regulated,PPARγ was significantly up-regulated,and Pref-1 was significantly down-regulated.APOC3 might promote the differentiation of intramuscular adipocytes by up-regulating SREBP1,CEBPβ,PPARγ and down-regulating Pref-1.

Key words: Goat, APOC3 gene, Intramuscular adipocytes, Overexpression, Cell differentiation


冉黎, 吕锦诗, 张浩, 王永, 朱江江, 李艳艳, 孟庆勇, 林亚秋. 过表达山羊APOC3基因促进肌内脂肪细胞分化[J]. 华北农学报, 2022, 37(3): 223-230. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20192779.

RAN Li, LÜ Jinshi, ZHANG Hao, WANG Yong, ZHU Jiangjiang, LI Yanyan, MENG Qingyong, LIN Yaqiu. Effect of Overexpression of Goat APOC3 Gene on Differentiation of Intramuscular Adipocytes[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2022, 37(3): 223-230. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20192779.


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