华北农学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 72-79. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20194529

所属专题: 生物技术

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·生物技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹明达1, 罗蕊1, 任文静1, 王志妍1, 苏志敏1, 李茹鑫1, 陈圳1, 李玉玲1, 王艳1, 黄凤兰1,2   

  1. 1 内蒙古民族大学 生命科学与食品学院,内蒙古 通辽 028000
    2 内蒙古民族大学,蓖麻育种国家民委重点实验室,内蒙古自治区高校蓖麻产业工程技术研究中心,内蒙古自治区蓖麻育种与综合利用重点实验室,蓖麻产业技术创新内蒙古自治区工程研究中心,内蒙古 通辽 028000
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-01 出版日期:2024-08-27
  • 通讯作者:
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  • 基金资助:
    内蒙古民族大学创新创业项目(X2022043); 内蒙古民族大学本科生创新训练项目(S202310136029)

Cloning and Functional Prediction of Castor PIP5K2 Gene

YIN Mingda1, LUO Rui1, REN Wenjing1, WANG Zhiyan1, SU Zhimin1, LI Ruxin1, CHEN Zhen1, LI Yuling1, WANG Yan1, HUANG Fenglan1,2   

  1. 1 College of Life Sciences and Food Engineering,Inner Mongolia Minzu University,Tongliao 028000,China
    2 Inner Mongolia Minzu University,Key Laboratory of Castor Breeding of the State Ethnic Affairs Committee,Inner Mongolia Industrial Engineering Research Center of Universities for Castor, Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Castor Breeding and Comprehensive Utilization,Inner Mongolia Engineering Research Center of Industrial Technology Innovation of Castor,Tongliao 028000,China
  • Received:2024-03-01 Published:2024-08-27


在植物中,磷脂酰肌醇 4,5-二磷PIP5K基因家族中的PIP5K2基因在调控植物生长中起到了关键作用,为探明PIP5K2基因在蓖麻中的作用,以蓖麻PIP5K2基因为研究对象,对该基因进行基因克隆、生物信息学及表达分析。结果表明,以蓖麻cDNA为模板,通过PCR获得了长度为2 136 bp 的基因片段;通过对该基因编码的蛋白序列进行生物信息学分析,确定该PIP5K2基因编码的蛋白氨基酸的个数为 672,pI 值为 6.74,其分子质量为 76.47 ku,平均亲水性系数为-0.636,是一种亲水蛋白质,其二级结构包括α螺旋、β转角、延伸链、无规卷曲;由预测结果可知,PIP5K2蛋白的三级结构与二级结构是一致的且与麻风树同源性很高。PIP5K2 基因在单雌、标雌和两性系3种花序类型的五叶期时的相对表达量都普遍高,在主茎穗开花期相对表达量都普遍偏低;在标雌花序五叶期时有最高相对表达量,在两性花序的主茎穗开花期有最低相对表达量,最高相对表达量是最低相对表达量的 80 倍左右;在3种花序类型之间,PIP5K2基因在四叶期的相对表达量相似,但相较于单个花序类型植株的不同生长时期,PIP5K2基因在四叶期时的表达量要明显高于开花期。根据该结果推测,PIP5K2基因可能调控蓖麻植株中期的生长,与植株的矮化存在一定的相关性。

关键词: 蓖麻, PIP5K2基因, 生物信息学分析, 植物调控, 基因表达


In plants,the PIP5K2 gene of the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate PIP5K gene family plays a key role in regulating plant growth.To investigate the function of the PIP5K2 gene in castor gene cloning,bioinformatics analysis,and expression analysis of the castor PIP5K2 gene were conducted.The results showed that a gene fragment of 2 136 bp in length was obtained through PCR using castor cDNA as the template.Bioinformatics analysis of the protein sequence encoded by this gene determined that the PIP5K2 gene encoded a protein consisting of 672 amino acids,with a pI value of 6.74 and a molecular weight of 76.47 ku.The protein's average hydrophilicity was -0.636,classifying it as a hydrophilic protein.Its secondary structure included α-helices,β-turns,extended strands,and random coils.Based on the prediction results,the tertiary structure of the PIP5K2 protein was consistent with its secondary structure,and shared a high degree of homology with the Jatropha curcas.The relative expression levels of the PIP5K2 gene were generally high in the five-leaf stage of the female,marker female and bisexual inflorescence types,and were generally low in the main stem panicle flowering stage.The highest relative expression level was observed in the five-leaf stage of the marker female inflorescence,while the lowest relative expression level was observed in the main stem panicle flowering stage of the bisexual inflorescence.The highest relative expression level was approximately 80 times higher than the lowest relative expression level.Among the three inflorescence types,the relative expression level of the PIP5K2 gene was similar in the four-leaf stage.However,compared to different growth stages within each inflorescence type,the expression level of the PIP5K2 gene was significantly higher in the four-leaf stage than in the flowering stage.Based on these results,it can be inferred that the PIP5K2 gene may regulate the mid-stage growth of castor plants and have some correlation with plant dwarfing.

Key words: Castor, PIP5K2 gene, Bioinformatics analysis, Plant regulation, Expression


尹明达, 罗蕊, 任文静, 王志妍, 苏志敏, 李茹鑫, 陈圳, 李玉玲, 王艳, 黄凤兰. 蓖麻PIP5K2基因克隆及功能预测[J]. 华北农学报, 2024, 39(4): 72-79. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20194529.

YIN Mingda, LUO Rui, REN Wenjing, WANG Zhiyan, SU Zhimin, LI Ruxin, CHEN Zhen, LI Yuling, WANG Yan, HUANG Fenglan. Cloning and Functional Prediction of Castor PIP5K2 Gene[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2024, 39(4): 72-79. doi: 10.7668/hbnxb.20194529.