摘要: 本项研究的目标是防治侵入果内的核桃举肢蛾低龄幼虫.采用高压注射机将内吸水溶性药剂注入树干,使之在树体内运行,研究药剂数量在树体内、主要是在核桃果皮与果仁内的变化与核桃举肢蛾虫量的消长规律.试验结果表明,在发蛾盛期前后,全年注药一次,防治效果可达80%以上,且无药害,收获后药剂残留量也在国际允许范围之内.
Abstract: High-pressure injection machine was used to inject a kind of systemic insecticide into the walnut trunks making it transport throughout the tree for controlling the low-age larvae of Airijuglans hetachci Yang which had invaded into the fruits. Meanwhile, the Variation regularities of both the amounts of insecticide in the tree body, especially, in the pericarp and kernel of the fruits, and the number of the pest insect were also investigated . The results showed that application of insecticides by injection only once a year at the peak period of the adults obtained over 80% effectiveness without any damage to the tree. The insecticide residues in the harvested walnut were within the maximum limits for pesticide residue of UN.
Key words:
Atri juglans hetachei Yang,
Control of pests,
High-pressure injection,
田士波, 靳杏蕊, 赵淑娥, 张维忠, 曹文虎, 霍玉华. 高压注射法防治核桃举肢蛾的研究[J]. 华北农学报, 1991, 6(S1): 158-161. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1991.z1.028.
TianShibo, JinXingrui, ZhaoShu’e, ZhangWeizhong, CaoWenhu, HuoYuhua. Control of Atrijuglans hetaohei Yang by Method of High-Pressure Injection[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, 1991, 6(S1): 158-161. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1991.z1.028.