摘要: 在木(木尞)果实子叶开始发育以前,不论先后孵化的幼虫,均不造成为害,幼虫发育极慢,一直处于低龄阶段。子叶一旦发育,幼虫便钻入胚内迅速发育进行为害。成虫产卵末期到木(木尞)果子叶发育前(约20-30天)这段时间是化防的关键时期。化防采用超低量或常量喷撒久效磷,防治效果一般在70.88-88%,个别的达97.8%,无药害。
Abstract: The studies showed that all larvae,regardless of their incubating time earlier or later,make no damage before the cotyledons of Fistacia chinensis Bunge fruits begin to grow.But they remain alive and at younger instars.Once the cotyledon starts to grow,larvae bore embryoes and make damage.The period between the end of oviposition and the beginning of cotyledon growth about(20-30 days)provides an opportunity for controlling Eurytoma plotnikovi Nikolskaya and is the critical time for chemical control.Spraying agrochcmicals at Ulra-Low-Volume(ULV)or common volume have been used in the control:The effectiveness of the control with monocrotophos was 70.88-88.0 %.with the highest of 97.8 %.
Key words:
Eurytoma plotnikovi Nikolskaya,
Chemical control
靳杏蕊, 田士波, 赵淑娥, 杜秀英, 李彦平. 木(木尞)种子小蜂生活习性及防治研究[J]. 华北农学报, 1988, 3(3): 71-76. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1988.03.012.
Jin Xingrui, Tian Shibo, Zhao Shu’e, Du Xiuying, Li Yanping. Studies on the Bionomics and Control of Eurytoma Plotnikovi Nikolskaya[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, 1988, 3(3): 71-76. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.1988.03.012.