
所属专题: 苹果

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冉辛拓, 张新生   

  1. 河北省农林科学院昌黎果树研究所,河北昌黎 066600
  • 收稿日期:2003-05-10 出版日期:2003-12-31
  • 作者简介:冉辛拓(1954- ),男,重庆江北人,副研究员,主要从事果树栽培生理方面的研究工作。

Effect of Crop Load on Photosynthetic Rate and Dry Matter Production of Apple

RAN Xin-tuo, ZHANG Xin-sheng   

  1. Changli Intitute of Pomology,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Changli 066600,China
  • Received:2003-05-10 Published:2003-12-31

摘要: 按苹果主干横截面积大小定量留果,并连续2年对叶片光合速率及枝、叶、果的干物质增量进行了测定。结果表明,光合速率与干物质生产间呈极显著正相关(09727)关系,随负载量的变化,二者的变化程度有显著差异。虽负载量与干物质间亦呈极显著正相关(09741),但均单果得到的光合产物却有显著变化,而且负载量的变化对果实品质及翌年的花芽分化均会产生明显影响。

关键词: 苹果, 负载量, 光合速率, 干物质

Abstract: The fruit numbers w ere limited according to t runk cross-sectional area. Leaf photosynthet ic rateand dry mat ter accumulation of shoot,leaf and fruit w ere monitored for 2 years in succession. The result sshowed that the photosynthet ic rate was posit ively correlated with dry w eight (r = 01972 7). With changes ofcrop load,there w ere sig nificant differences in the variation level of photosynthet ic rate and dry w eight. A-lthoug h crop load was positively correlated with dry w eight (r= 01974 1),the content of photosynthet ic product stransported to f ruits changed signif icantly. Crop load had a sig nificant ef fect on fruit quality and f low er bud differentiation rate in the next year.

Key words: Apple, Crop load, Photosynthetic rate, Dry mat ter



RAN Xin-tuo, ZHANG Xin-sheng. Effect of Crop Load on Photosynthetic Rate and Dry Matter Production of Apple[J]. ACTA AGRICULTURAE BOREALI-SINICA, doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1000-7091.2003.z1.036.
